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Hadley Fundraising Event


Hi! My name is Hadley Ann Brantley. I’m 10 years old and was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2019 after my first seizure in elementary school. Now in 5th grade, I average 20-50 absent seizures a day, sometimes in clusters that last up to 20 minutes. I also have atonic seizures (drop seizures) that make me lose consciousness and muscle strength, causing me to fall unexpectedly. Sadly, I can get pretty disoriented after having these episodes.

"... average 20-50 absent seizures a day." 


After trying and failing over a dozen different medications, my family has decided the best way to better my life and keep me safe is to have a seizure-alert dog. This service dog would be able to detect when I’m going to have an atonic seizure and alert me beforehand so I can move to a safe space, avoiding injury. It will also be trained to assist with my balance and stability during absent and cluster seizures when I get disoriented.

 "This service dog would be able to detect... alert... so I can move to a safe space."

A seizure-alert dog will not be a pet, but a life-changing opportunity for me. Unfortunately, since these dogs are highly trained working professionals, they come with a hefty price tag of about $12,000. Due to this, I am trying to raise money to help afford this life-saving assistant. Any funds raised will go directly to paying for the seizure alert dog, training programs, and any additional funds will be used to provide supplies for the dog; such as food, training items, and so on. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support! 💜

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